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Monday, 30 July 2018

pH Values of some bio-fluids

This is very important topic for medical preparing students.
So learn it.

Human organs and their origin

Study these mnemonics carefully. 

Mnemonics for false fishes

@ Jelly Devil Has a Silver Star Razor to Cut Cray fish Shell

           Jelly➡ Jelly fish
         Devil➡ Devil fish
            Has➡ Hag fish
                 a➡ ❎❎❎
         Silver➡ Silver fish
            Star➡ Star fish
        Razor➡ Rajor fish
               to➡ ❎❎❎
            Cut➡ Cuttle fish
  Cray fish➡ Cray fish 
         Shell➡ Shell fish

Classes of Phylum of Invertebrates

Classes of Phylum 

☺ Protozoa
1) Flagellata 
2) Rhizopoda 
3) Sporozoa
4) Cillia

☺ Porifera 
1) Calcarea
2) Hexactinellida
3) Demospongiae

1) Hydrozoa
2) Scyphozoa
3) Anthozoa

☺ Platyhelminthes
1) Turbellaria
2) Trematoda
3) Cestoda

☺ Nemathelminthes
1) Aphasmida
2) Phasmida

☺ Annelida
1) Polychaeta
2) Oligochaeta
3) Hirudinea
4) Archinnelida

☺ Arthropoda 
1) Crustacea
2) Chilopoda
3) Diplopoda
4) Insecta
5) Arachnida
6) Merostomata
7) Onychophora

☺ Mollusca
1) Scaphopoda
2) Pelecypoda
3) Aplacophora
4) Monoplacophora
5) Polyplacophora
6) Gastropoda
7) Cephalopoda 

☺ Echinodermata
1) Asteroidea
2) Ophiuroidea
3) Echinoidea
4) Holothuroida
5) Crinoidea

Introduction about this blog

This post is introduction about this blog.

In this blog you can find mbbs preparation mnemonics, specially for Nepalese students who are preparing for MOE, IOM, KU, BPKIHS, and other MBBS Entrance Exams.
Posts of this blog are also helpful for those students who are preparing for Paramedical and applied science. 

In this blog I use to provide mnemonics, shortcut tips, handy notes, easy learning tricks and many mores. So always be updated with this blog.

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